Kansas Quality Rating Improvement System

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Call us today at (785) 856-6002.

500 Rockledge Road
Lawrence, Kansas

In the summer of 2013, Googols of Learning was selected to be a KQRIS site, utilizing the Kansas Quality Rating Improvement System. This is a quality rating system for center-based and family child care programs.


Participating programs receive a comprehensive assessment, on-site technical assistance, access to an improvement grant, and teachers/providers are eligible for college scholarships and salary supplements. Assessment is followed with on-site coaching to help the program make strategic improvement to overall quality. KQRIS is the changing face of quality improvement in Kansas.

Participants receive a variety of supports to assist in quality improvement efforts. Child care programs have access to a Quality Improvement (QI) Coach who can help the program set and achieve goals to make program improvements. Participants are eligible for quality improvement grants that can be used to purchase materials, equipment or pay for accreditation fees that will improve overall program quality. Staff/providers in participating KQRIS sites are eligible for college scholarships (through T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood® Kansas) and salary supplements (through Child Care WAGE$® Kansas). Reaching and achieving KQRIS goals is one of our major focuses here at Googols of Learning.