Step It Up Challenge
After 30 hours of trainings over the past year, Googols has made a commitment to make and encourage healthy choices for our children and families. We started first making changes to our menus. We switched from 2% to 1% milk for the preschoolers, eliminated juice, and all pre‐fried foods. We introduced ‘meat‐less Mondays’ to expose children to more legumes and reduce even more fat from the diet and we switched to all whole grains. We continued our participation in the Healthy Sprouts program from last year by planting our school garden and offering occasional ‘taste tests’ so children can try different vegetables.
We had a ‘Cooking with your Child’ event for families and increased the number of cooking‐in‐the‐classroom activities to one per week. We also held a health and wellness informational night for parents where we
discussed the importance of making healthy food and drink choices, supporting breastfeeding, reducing screen time for children, and increasing active play. We’ve had yoga in the classroom and more organized active play outside on the playground to ensure children are getting moderate to vigorous exercise daily. And, of course, we have our indoor climber so children get an opportunity for exercise every day, regardless of weather. We continue to offer in‐house staff trainings on health and wellness. The Step it Up formal trainings are over, but our commitment to health and wellness for our children is ongoing.